Mental Health Adviser Workshops – CPD-certified workshops led by industry expert Jodie Hill.
Here's what you can expect to learn in our workshop:
The ability to identify whether someone is suffering with their mental health is a valuable skill for line managers to have. Not only will it enable the manager to support the individual as early as possible, but it will help prevent future disruptive problems for the business, such as dealing with prolonged staff absence or even discrimination claims if the situation is not managed correctly.
And with the rise in popularity of homeworking, it is becoming increasingly difficult to spot mental health issues in your home and remote workers.
During this workshop, managers will learn how to spot the signs of mental ill health and what they can do to support their teams.
Hosted by Jodie Hill, founder and Managing Partner of multi-award winning Thrive Law, this 60-minute workshop is intended to support line managers in the following:
Identifying if any of their team members has a mental health issue which requires support.
- The most common physical and emotional symptoms, plus specific behaviours, to look out for.
- Understanding the most common mental health conditions, such as stress, depression, anxiety and panic disorder, and the specific issues attached to each.
- How to approach the situation and open up the conversation about mental health.
- How to support staff early and avoid staff going on long-term sick
Why choose our workshop?
CPD-certified: All our workshops meet the recognised standard of educational value, so you can attend them as part of your professional development.
Affordable pricing: Only £59.95 + VAT.
Expert presenter: Jodie Hill has extensive experience in employment law, D&I issues, and HR-related matters. She is also a passionate mental health advocate, and her campaign #OneMind has been featured by major media outlets.
Practical and high-quality: Our workshops are designed to be practical and relevant to your work environment. You'll also receive the presentation slides, and essential documents to support you in your workplace.
Don't miss this opportunity to help you in creating a happier, healthier workforce.